GRASS was a 3-year, EU-funded research project (project reference number: 543029-LLP-1-2013-1-RS-KA3-KA3MP), focusing on representing soft skills of learners of various ages and at different levels of education in a quantitative, measurable way, so that these skills can become the subject of formal validation and recognition. The project is being developed under the umbrella of the flagship European funding programme in the field of education and training, the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). The key objective of LLP is to enable individuals at all stages of their lives to pursue stimulating learning opportunities across Europe. The GRASS project develops innovative pedagogical approaches and ICT tools and services to support:
- continuous development, measurement, assessment, grading and recognition of learners’ soft skills, spanning different ages and educational levels, based on the idea of digital badges (digital credentials)
- monitoring on the long run the accumulation of one’s soft skills, in their own ecosystem
- embedding measurement and recognition of soft skills, competencies, and achievements in educational practices at all educational levels (not only to support employers)
- peer assessment of soft skills that is social, transparent and participatory, and “works more like the Web”, rather than in teacher-in-control-only way.
The project has officially started on Jan 01, 2014.